The problem
Treacy & Company came to us in 2021 looking for a PR agency to help them establish a thought leadership campaign and promote partners as leaders and innovators. The problem was that the company’s namesake was an extremely well known businessman, author, speaker and consultant—but other partners and executives needed to be elevated in the public sphere to help the management consulting firm grow and expand.
The solution
Through an integrated campaign that included earned media, original content, LinkedIn management & strategy and videos to promote webinars and events, we crafted a comprehensive thought leadership initiative to help more of Treacy & Company’s leadership become voices in their respective fields.

Earned media placements
Placements in multiple outlets
Successfully acquired by 1,350-person accounting firm
In less than one year, we delivered more than 40 placements, including multiple Tier 1 outlets such as MSN, CBS News, and Entrepreneur. T&Co was featured as a top place to work, which included news in Fortune and other outlets. And, we worked with their team during a period where they were successfully acquired by 1,350-person accounting firm and service provider Cherry Bekaert. We generated additional awareness during the acquisition in PE and business, accounting and consulting journals and Bear Icebox was retained by Cherry Bekaert to continue working with T&Co by Cherry Bekaert and on other PR initiatives for the new owner.